Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Generally, society is formed by three level of classes: upper, middle and working class. When they are arranged in the pyramid form, the upper class will be placed right on the top, following by the middle and lower class. Like what you all can see from the system rooted in our marginalized society-- the rich remains prominenetly high but minor;the group is normally those successful entrepreneurs, senior professionals, intellectuals and sharp businessmen. Middle class is formed by diligent young woking adults who graduated from college whereas lower class is the unfortunate ones who are less educated and need to work hard, especially physically to earn money for survival.

Being born in a theoretically unpleasant family, my parents were not educated properly. Thus, I grew up as a complete working class. I could never afford any of the luxury in life no matter how hard I try. However, it doesn't really bother me too much because it is impossible for people to get all the best things in life. I was granted with an insanely devoted mother who make sure I have better opportunities. That's way more than I could ever ask for. As such, I am always thankful.

After obtaining a college degree, there are some slight improvements in terms of my monetary status. Anyhow, I am still pretty much a lower class who cannot afford a lot of unnecessary daily expenses.The cruel fact bugs me once in a while but I never thought that it will be a big deal. Working hard and live moderately have always been my motto and I really like the idea.

I don't need:

1. A humongous house with balcany, backyard, garage dan fancy interior design, situated at a high-class' area.

2. Pure breed dogs and cats that require constant maintainence and huge amount of food.

3. Elegant glasswares or tablewares and pretentious etiquette for guests during ostentatious dinner.

4. Vacation house for getaway usage.

5. Advanced technology for household chores management.

6. Big and luxury cars.

7. Grand vacations to europe.

I prefer to:

1. Live in a small but warm cubby-hole with no pretentious decorations or setting; cut down the time and hustle in maintainence.

2. Handling the basic househodl chores myself.

3. Eat on a table with no fancy glasswares and rules with close friends and family members, mainly serving some unhealty food and homely meals that made by my own parents without having to follow any restrictions in behaving.

4. Not having to use stupid washer and dryer that ruin my cheap but nice-looking clothes.

5. Have ample of spaces for me to hang my hand-washed clothes and spaces to store my stuff according my own rules of organization.

6. Not having carpet and wood furnitures in the house or anything pretentious that will store grease and smell of cooking.

7. Have my own kitchen with the storage of numerous Chinese/Asian food that are 'poisonous' but easy to fix and delicious to consume.

8. Go on cheap but enjoyable budgeted holiday trips.

9. Just freaking be left alone and not being forced to act like an 'upper-class' because I am not fucking from the caste of 'Brahmin'. I was raised as 'Pariah', I squat down and do my business in the bathroom and I am happy to remain that way.

10. Be myself and don't give a fuck about what others think.

Ironically, I remember last time when I was a teacher in class, I discussed the social classes topic with my fellow students. The result of the discussion in that tutorial: peopel should only marry and interact 'among' their social class in order to have a permanent relationship".

As the leader of the discussion who elaborated on the mentioned topic, I failed to act upon my belief.

I am not born with a golden spoon in my mouth; it is pointless to feed me with one right now. Ugly duckling turns into elegant swan story only occurs in fairy tale.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I hailed from Planet C; you come from Planet A.

We decided to unite, residing at Planet A. But, that doesn't change the fact that I am from Planet C.

You want me to live in Planet A, think like people in Planet A, just like the way you do, refusing to even get to know Planet C. You think that everybody should live like you and you rolled your eyes seeing others living their life in a different way. You think that your way is the right way, others are just being ridiculous.

You are just hiding under a big well, seeing the world underneath the well.

You will have to take the responsibility;you are no longer a kid or a prince from your lala highclass land.

Grow up before you lose everything.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


"Trick or treat, smell my feet.
Give me something good to eat.
If you don't, I won't be sad.
I'll just make you wish you had!"

This is definitely not my first Halloween. However, this is the first time I get to experience the celebration, by carving my very first Jack-o'-lantern. Look at the one at the first left. That's my piece of art work. Please don't be too critical! This is my first trial!

Then, we put candles inside the pumpkins, light them on... Gentle and moderate light radiates warmth in the darkness...I love this scene.

Finally, 'trick or treat' night, we must have a big bowl of candies ready for the kiddies in costumes. Ok, I have to admit that my lantern looked childish and silly. But, who cares?! They functioned well by showing little Batmen, Spidermen, Supermen, Zombies and Princesses the way to get their treats!

So I guess, mission completed! Happy Halloween! :p

Friday, October 29, 2010

Family tree

Supposedly, majority of the living creatures in this universe are created by two parties, which are named 'parents'and at the same time, being raised by at least one of them before gaining the ability of independence.

Comparing to other species, humans are more fortunate as they are given the brilliance to set up a more structured system -- 'family' in the process of supporting one another, both mentally and physically. Though, not all them are showered with real happiness;numerous of the unlucky ones are constantly taken over by clouds and rolling darkness.

Of course, living itself is a humongous obstacle that we will have to deal with;but, if you are blessed with a pair of folks who are loving and devoted, it is more likely for your life to be filled with laughters, especially when facing difficulties. In short, joy only co-exists with parents and pure dedication.

I do not really belong to the auspicious group. My chilhood memories were formed by the puzzle pieces of sadness. Anyhow, I was still favored by fortune to a certain extend, for being born as my wonderful mom's daughter. Her big heart and selfless love sheltered my brother and I from the agony of the tough living situation. Her classic motherly smile always shone in the sunlight, radiating with the magical power to turn things alright.

Somehow, life is treating me really well and occasionally, I really do not think that I deserve that. My mother is my favourite person in this planet but sadly, I am really far away from her at the moment, nonethelss, I am granted with two kind souls that treat me like the way they treat their offspring. I must have done a great deal of benevolence at my previous life to be able to be bestowed with this kind of relationship.

Let me introduce my second most favourite parents in life: Douglas and Eva.
Thank you for everything. The scent of the chicken broth and apple sauce and also the concern I have gotten still linger in my mind. I am really happy to be accepted as part of the family. If we describe family as a tree, parents will be the strong root that provide and support the plant in growing strong.

In spite of that, I have a simple and direct definition of family:

F- Father
A- And
M- Mother
I- I
L- Love
Y- You

Saturday, October 02, 2010


A blind man may sometimes hits the mark; a stopped clock is correct twice a day. Occassionaly, it is good to act like a sightless person as a perfect vision and proper deliberation do not guarantee a fruitful outcome.

I am a timid woman who detests changes. Ironically, in spite of my hatred towards uncertainties, I seem to be born with the destiny to deal with all the unpredictabilities in life. Well, come to think about it, this is probably the result from the path I have chosen. When you choose the path less travelled by, you will have to expect a wild wild adventure.

I have turned 26 last September this year. The numbers sound strange for me as I have lost track of time ever since I turned 23 three years ago. A friend asked me on my birthday celebration this year: "Now you are 26 years old, do you regret the absent and the loss of your early twenties or actually look forward to what and where you are going to be when you turn 30 four year later?"

"30, of course. It's good to be youthful, though the pain of growing up is something that I never want to repeat. I am glad to be who I am today and totally working towards becoming a better human being as I get older. "
I replied. An answer which hailed from the bottom of my heart.

The year of 2010 is ending. Personally, I like to do the countdown by referring to the season and festivals. This is the month of October, we are going to have Halloween on 31st. Then, Thanksgiving is coming in autumn, at the month of november. Lastly, the last month of the year, December, Hanukkah and Christmas celebrations will wrap up the year. There goes 2010, Goodbye! Hopefully, the new year will be better!

Anyhow, this year is kind of an interesting one for me. Major changes all took place at the same time. I was over whelming and suffocating . I am still coping and adapting but obviously, there are some obvious progress. In life, we have so much to learn;identifying the goal and striving towards it is the only way to avoid disorientation. Somehow, I am blessed as when I got lost, I have a guider to show me the light, at the end of the tunnel. Honestly, I am thankful for that.

First time in my life, I live my life for myself. Regardless of what others have to say, I am happy with my decision, so far. There are uncountables obstacles and predicaments coming in a long run, eveyrbody can forsee them. However, faith can really move moutains. There are ways to walk through the problems rather than avoiding or running way from them, as long as you put your heart into it.

Many years later, I am pretty sure that I will still brim over with joy, recapturing this decision, even if it fails because at least I have done my best to fight for it, instead of shilly-shallying, worrying about the outcome and allow the fear or 'what if' to stop me.

That will be a major regret that I never ever want to have. I adhere to my principle; I am proud about that.

Briskly, cheers for life, hurray.

Saturday, September 04, 2010









Sunday, June 13, 2010


Vows. I wonder what they mean.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


I am gone, again. Bye bye! But, I'll be back!!

Monday, May 31, 2010


五月中旬去了一趟柬埔寨,目睹了世界古老的七大建筑奇观之一 ━ 吴哥窟。从没想过会有机会到此一游,机缘巧合之下来到这里,发觉身边的一物一景都美得不像话。随手一拍,忍不住捕下了近千张照片。当然,我不会把所有的图像放上来,随意的挑了很少的几张来和朋友分享、顺便记录这个非凡的心灵之旅。
十二世纪的建筑和文化自然奇特得不在话下。它的美,沧桑得有些诡异,真的让人有一点无法想象。至于那市中之人更是带给了我很多启发性的思想。对于我来说,这仿佛是一场生命探索的旅程。旧时代的人们崇尚神明,认为他们主宰了生命的一切,因而用尽了一生来奉献、膜拜。这些惊人的建筑和雕刻是最好的证明。精致万变的女神雕刻处处可见,但是,此行最大的收获是发现了原来幸运的人儿身边都有一位女神来守候保护他们━ 这位是我的幸运女神,你找到你的了吗?

Monday, May 10, 2010


Before checking-out from school completely, I would like to upload this post from my personal office, for the very last time. This is my last chance to sit here and type. I want to mark this moment down, place it as part of my memory in life. It is sad but this is the time to say goodbye.

I will depart with a big smile and thankful heart...Thank you for everything... Thank you.

Friday, May 07, 2010





就像你们所说的:这真的是一个很沉重的再见。但是,很无奈,人生就是由很多不同的 “嗨,你好!”和 “拜拜” 组成的。在你们忙着谢谢我的当儿,我要感谢你们教会了我很多课业外的东西、造就了我美好的金宝回忆。


Friday, April 30, 2010

First Time

First Punjabi suit in life, it was tailor-made and definitely not cheap but I really like it.

I may not look good in it but screw that! As long as I am happy with it, I guess that's enough!

Thanks Juejun for bringing me to this shop at Ipoh. :-)

Monday, April 19, 2010










屈指算来已经七年,我的贱兔拖鞋早已松弛变宽、无法紧紧包围我的双脚了。我还是无法狠下心来把它扔掉,妈妈重重的关怀我无法丢弃。在我很小很小的时候,妈妈喜欢和我一起做剪报。我们从‘南洋学生’里选择文章剪下、贴在厚厚的剪贴簿里。她会坐在我身旁对识字有限的我细细朗读文章,印象最深的是一篇叫“爸爸的草鞋” 的作文。作者在结尾终结:






Thursday, April 08, 2010

The Road Not Taken

I learned about this poem back in high school's English literature class. For some unknown reasons, I was totally fascinated by it. I would like to dedicate this to my dear friend, Lampfly who is going to set off for another journey in life.

The Road Not Taken

by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

*No matter where you are, I always keep you in my prayer and sincerely wish you all the best..

Sunday, March 28, 2010




素来,我都很喜欢各类民族的文化传说,印第安人血淋淋的被压迫历史至今仍紧紧的揪着我的五脏六腑;但是, 有关于捕梦网的 故事却不断的为我带来丝丝的浪漫味道。


捕梦网终究只是 一个 美丽的符号,心灵上的健全往往才是赶走夜魔的良方。

Thursday, March 25, 2010

If only I could

Yeah, we can never turn back time. But sometimes, some people, some buildings, some memories just wouldn't stop bugging your mind...

If only I could turn back time, I would have one more 'Chicken Teriyaki Bowl' at my favourite Japanese restaurant. This will remain as a dream forever, the restaurant was sold to some Koreans since few years back.

Shigon Tairo, you are the best sushi master and boss ever, whom I will remember for life. Thank you, and I miss you, I really do.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Insane Trivia

Trivial incidents that occurred during tutorial classes recently.


One minute before the presentation of her communication research proposal...

Student A: Miss, I want to inform you that I didn't include the section of 'Literature Review' into the proposal.

Me: Why? Are you planning to just explain it verbally during your oral presentation?

Student A: No, I don't know what is 'Literature Review' and I don't know how to do this, so i didn't include that part.

Me: Do you know that that section occupies 10 marks in total? If you don't include that, I will need to mark you '0' at that section. Why you didn't ask if you don't know since the beginning of the class like week 1? This is week 7 already! You just realised that you don't understand 'Literature Review' few minutes before your presentation? When you start writing your research proposal? This morning?!

Student A: No, not this morning. I started yesterday night...

Me: Have you ever attended my class? I have been teaching you all about this since week 1. I circulated the samples, outlines and important handouts. You witnessed your friends' presentations and heard my comments at all?

Student A: (silent*Looking at me idiotically)

Me: So, how can I help you? What you expect from me? I can't give you any mark if you don't provide this part. You are going to fail in this assignment for sure. Do you want a second chance?

Student A: (silent*Looking like a total retard)

Me: Ok, I will give you one more day for your assignment then. If you are able to submit another complete copy tomorrow morning, before 10.30am, I will mark you solely base on the new one, pretending that I never receive this assignment today.

Student A: (expression changed dramatically) HuuuHHHhhhhhhhhh.... Miss, that means I have to work on it today and then submit it by tomorrow morning?! Too rush!

Me: ... Anyways, if I don't receive anything new from you tomorrow morning, I will mark you according to this proposal and you are going to fail.


After two oral presentations, I was confirming with the students about the number of presenters and the total number of assignments that I was supposed to receive. Then, suddenly...

Student B: Miss, in fact, I am supposed to present today but I didn't know it until the beginning of today's class so I cannot present or submit anything today.

Me: What?! Why?! What happened?!

Student B: I don't know. My friend never told me about that so I didn't know about that until just now.

Me: This is week 7 already! The sequence and date for presentation was fixed since week 1. Everybody received a copy of the name list at week 2 and now you are telling me that you know nothing about it at week 7, right on the day you are supposed to submit your assignment and do your presentation?!

Student B: I really don't know, my friend never told me. I attended all of your classes...

Me: So it's not your fault for not knowing things that are going on in class, your friends will have to bear the responsibility for not informing you about your own due date for assignment?

Student B: ... Can I present next week?

Me: If you want a second chance, I can only allow you to present at other course's tutorial class as there's a schedule that must be followed. So, next Monday, 8am at this venue, if you were late or don't show up, I will fail you right away.

Student B: Ok...


Three hours before my next research method class, I was getting the documents ready in my office. Two students were knocking at my door...

Me: Yes, may I help you?

Student C&D: We are coming to see if Miss has time to check our proposal for us, we are not sure about the points that we have included.

Me: Sure. (*start checking, commenting and guiding them in writing their proposals)

Student C&D: So we only have Introduction and research questions right now, the rest of the three chapters we are not sure what to include, can you please give us some guidance?

Me: Sure. (Explaining to them what are the important areas and points that they will have to include and elaborate). You all will have a lot to work on then, when will be your presentation? I hope not this week because you all will need a lot of time to write the following chapters and also make the relevant amendments.

Student C&D: Actually, we will present at Miss' next class, after three hours.

Me: What?! Then how are both of you going to do this? Skip your next class and just simply insert some irrelevant points inside? Why do thing last minute?!

Student C&D: We are going to skip the next lecture for other subject and try to work on this proposal. We have just came back from East Malaysia from Chinese New Year holiday yesterday so was too tired to do assignment yesterday.

Me: (WTF) Good luck and see you all in class then.


I was sitting in the office, scratching my head hard, thinking about the mid-term test questions at week 9. My cell phone rang, I received a text message --

"Miss, are you free to talk now? I want to tell you that I cannot finish my assignment on time and I think I won't be able to submit the proposal and do the presentation later in class."

Immediately, my heart sank. I was pissed. No reply being sent for that ridiculous message. After one hour, *knock*knock.

Me: Yes, what can I do for you.

Student E: (*looking embaressed) Miss, I sent you a text message a moment ago, have you received it?

Me: Guess so. So what you want to tell me?

Student E: I haven't complete my assignment, I cannot submit it by today and I won't be able to present later in class.

Me: Why?

Student E: Because I do things at very last minute. To be honest, I started writing the proposal only yesterday night and there are a lot of parts and information that I don't get. I cannot do it.

Me: Why you only do it last minute? Your friends do not have this problem, they handed in their assignment before the due date. What's your problem? You been busy with something else lately?

Student E: No, I am not really busy, nothing much going on in my life. My friends are not as lazy as me. I don't know what happens to me this semester, I don't have the mood to study and I cannot focus at all, this is entirely my fault and I can blame nobody. I am a procrastinator and I have to bear the consequence.

Me: Ok, so what you want me to do?

Student E: I wonder if you will allow me to present next week in class? I don't mind if you deduct 50% of my marks because this is my fault. I am just asking for a chance to submit my assignment.

Me: hmmm. Ok, how about that? This coming Thursday I have another research method class. If your time table allowed and you can make it on time, I will allow you to present. I won't make things hard for you by deducting 50% percent of the mark, I don't think you will have a lot of marks for me to minus after all. It sounds fair for you?

Student E: (*hesitates)Yeah, but it doesn't sounds fair for you, Miss.

Me: You are a student, still, so I give you another opportunity. If you are working right now, probably you will get fired. I just want you to not repeating this type of mistake later in life.

Student E: Thanks, Miss...


Around 4 years of gap in age, but gigantic difference in terms of attitude. Generation gap?! What's the roots of the problem? Parents? Friends? School? Society? Media?

Totally insane!

Though, I kind of like student E in someways, at least he admitted his mistake and showed his regrets. He had the guts to take the responsibility and bear the ramification of his action.

There are hopes, maybe!

Monday, February 15, 2010



一张全家福, 恭贺各界新年快乐、万事如意~!
