Friday, September 25, 2009



从小到大, 我就一直在幻想没有爸爸的日子会有多好。他一直以来就是一个毫无感激及廉耻心的人, 一直到现在还是一个大包袱;重来就没有为任何人做过什么却无赖的认定这个世界欠了他一切。

我妈是这世上最笨的人;她不懂得改变,不懂得为自己争取应得的基本幸福,像个白痴似的傻傻的从结婚那一天无条件奉献所有; 换来的却是无止境的索求及怨恨。

我真的觉得没有爸爸的世界会更美好。 他不值得被任何人尊敬﹑更不配被唤‘爸爸。



我恨我爸。如果你有一个好爸爸,我由衷的恭贺你,因为对于我来说这真的是遥不可及的事。 你必定是前世做尽了好事而修来的福,请珍惜。

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Finally, I have done marking 200 copies of research proposals..

A student wrote the 20 pages proposal for once, the poor tutor have to read through the proposal line by line, correcting all of the errors and then repeated the same action for 199 times in the rest of the proposals.

I was rushing as I have a deadline to meet.

After five days of marking, continuously, I completed the task!

Even though, I felt like crying sometimes in the process of marking, but still, I stayed with it.

In the end...

The alleviation and sense of completion is fulfilling.

What A Relief!