Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Generally, society is formed by three level of classes: upper, middle and working class. When they are arranged in the pyramid form, the upper class will be placed right on the top, following by the middle and lower class. Like what you all can see from the system rooted in our marginalized society-- the rich remains prominenetly high but minor;the group is normally those successful entrepreneurs, senior professionals, intellectuals and sharp businessmen. Middle class is formed by diligent young woking adults who graduated from college whereas lower class is the unfortunate ones who are less educated and need to work hard, especially physically to earn money for survival.

Being born in a theoretically unpleasant family, my parents were not educated properly. Thus, I grew up as a complete working class. I could never afford any of the luxury in life no matter how hard I try. However, it doesn't really bother me too much because it is impossible for people to get all the best things in life. I was granted with an insanely devoted mother who make sure I have better opportunities. That's way more than I could ever ask for. As such, I am always thankful.

After obtaining a college degree, there are some slight improvements in terms of my monetary status. Anyhow, I am still pretty much a lower class who cannot afford a lot of unnecessary daily expenses.The cruel fact bugs me once in a while but I never thought that it will be a big deal. Working hard and live moderately have always been my motto and I really like the idea.

I don't need:

1. A humongous house with balcany, backyard, garage dan fancy interior design, situated at a high-class' area.

2. Pure breed dogs and cats that require constant maintainence and huge amount of food.

3. Elegant glasswares or tablewares and pretentious etiquette for guests during ostentatious dinner.

4. Vacation house for getaway usage.

5. Advanced technology for household chores management.

6. Big and luxury cars.

7. Grand vacations to europe.

I prefer to:

1. Live in a small but warm cubby-hole with no pretentious decorations or setting; cut down the time and hustle in maintainence.

2. Handling the basic househodl chores myself.

3. Eat on a table with no fancy glasswares and rules with close friends and family members, mainly serving some unhealty food and homely meals that made by my own parents without having to follow any restrictions in behaving.

4. Not having to use stupid washer and dryer that ruin my cheap but nice-looking clothes.

5. Have ample of spaces for me to hang my hand-washed clothes and spaces to store my stuff according my own rules of organization.

6. Not having carpet and wood furnitures in the house or anything pretentious that will store grease and smell of cooking.

7. Have my own kitchen with the storage of numerous Chinese/Asian food that are 'poisonous' but easy to fix and delicious to consume.

8. Go on cheap but enjoyable budgeted holiday trips.

9. Just freaking be left alone and not being forced to act like an 'upper-class' because I am not fucking from the caste of 'Brahmin'. I was raised as 'Pariah', I squat down and do my business in the bathroom and I am happy to remain that way.

10. Be myself and don't give a fuck about what others think.

Ironically, I remember last time when I was a teacher in class, I discussed the social classes topic with my fellow students. The result of the discussion in that tutorial: peopel should only marry and interact 'among' their social class in order to have a permanent relationship".

As the leader of the discussion who elaborated on the mentioned topic, I failed to act upon my belief.

I am not born with a golden spoon in my mouth; it is pointless to feed me with one right now. Ugly duckling turns into elegant swan story only occurs in fairy tale.

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