Sunday, October 06, 2013





Tuesday, September 17, 2013




我和阿公并没有很亲, 我们之间的交流少得可怜。记忆中的他总是酷酷凶凶的,就是一副标准的严肃沉默大家长模样。小时候我和成群的表兄妹们看到他总是退避三舍,害怕因为吵闹玩乐而被骂。和妈妈谈起阿公,我们都一致认同阿公的威严是多么的让人不敢侵犯。我想这是因为他自小漂洋过海来到南洋,贫困艰难的生活造就了坚毅的个性和眉头深锁的容貌。不过,一点可以完全确定-- 阿公是个成功白手起家的正直商人、难得的好人。



Monday, February 20, 2012














要说起我和爸爸的感情,我真的无法用文字形容。我们没什么时间或机会在一起,更加没有共同的话题。小学和中学时期我总有上不完的补习班,爸爸无论如何都会坚持开车载我上下课,绝不让我在这方面吃苦。我很肯定在他的内心深处,他是爱我们的,但也许他不知道他的所作所为在很早以前就把一个原本可以很温馨的小家庭撕裂。他并不是一个尽责的丈夫;年轻时满脑子鬼主意,异想天开的藉由赌博来发财。结果当然是惨败。他欠下了一屁股债又不愿脚踏实地地埋头工作,最后遭殃的当然是我那傻坷坷的妈妈。她 身兼多职并变卖身上所有值钱的样品以便还债。那样的生活差点把妈妈逼疯。精神衰弱的她努力的扛起一切责任,变得喜怒无常,为的就是填满那个债务的无底洞,维持一个空了心的家庭。

Friday, April 29, 2011

Q & A

今天从表妹的部落格里读到这个 Q&A 游戏,忽然觉得很好玩,所以就在这里复制了:






A:Family Guy







A:DSLR,可是没钱 (和表妹的答案一样!)

A:My Horizontal Life -- Chealsea Handler












Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year New Year!

This is the second week of year 2011. Again, we embrace another new year with open arms. Scratching our heads hard, we try to recall our accomplishment of the passed year. Most of the times, the memories just do not serve us right. Our mind went blank when recapturing. Well, at least that's what happened to me. When this has became a trend, I start taking it as a sign of aging.

I am old. When filling in forms and survey, I realised that I will have to check the column of 26-35. Some of my friends started covering the truth about their ages, refusing to show the year of birth at 'facebook' and some other public profile. I was tempted to do that for once, but 'pretending to be young' is really not my cup of tea. Thus, proudly, I told everybody that I am turning 27 this year. What's next? 30? I am not afraid as I believe that I will continue to grow and when I reach my thirty, I will gain stability in terms of my personality, career, finance, family and relationships. So, it seems like I am looking forward to that stage of life?!

Human memory is a funny mechanism. The process of storing a particular moment into our brain involves a big group system with different roles to co-operate and function accordingly. It is definitely a brain-wide procedure. Somehow, this remembrance section of my brain is facing some rather critical problem; I can hardly remember numerous specific points in time even after being reminded - the people, the faces, the conversations, the laughters and the tears... They sounded really strange to me. Perhaps, my rusty memory system is completely filled up; the capacity limit does not allow a bigger storage.Ironically, my toddlerhood memories keep coming back to me in dreams;relating the stories of my growth. Quoting the viewpoint of Annie, the artist whom I admire for bouncing back jauntily from the setback in life:" Every adult has an inner child in heart. We should acknowledge its existance and hold it in loving clasp."

In some indeterminate point of time, we get elder and more mature; we are totally independent and strong enough to support ourseleves, suddenly, we yearn for a shoulder to lean on. The feeling of being secured in the cradle and playing with teddy bear is just tantalizing. To a certain extend, I guess I can fathom the factors for some people to go crazy over paraphilic infantilism. The most tremendous experience for a mankind is when he is loved, carefree and gingerly protected by everybody in the surrounding.God, I really miss that sensation.

Anyways, let's go back to reality. Year 2010 had been a truly challenging period for me. All of my major and life-changing decisions were made in the passed year. I resigned from my previous good job, moved out from my comfort zone, pressing reset button in a foreignland, staying under the same roof with a family from different culture and social class, being assigned with another role and status, accidentally ended up working with a company that manufacture and merchandise cargo control products and last but not least, spent a lot of money to get my eyes fixed! Recapturing the experience, I break into a cold sweat, again. Not saying I am special or better than everybody out there, but, I do think that I have guts and is always spontaneous. My heart is up for any adventure and uproar in life. Try me!

I do not really have any new year resolution or passed year evaluation. As a summary, the greatest thing that happened last year was my laser eye surgery on December 24. Even though it burnt a big hole in my pocket but I never regret. I feel like I have been reborn with a new soul. My new perfect eyes with n contatc lense or glasses around is the best thing that ever happened to me! Even though I did not really like the surgeon Dr Abraham Shamman that much, but I do thank him sincerely for being professional and skillful enough to grant me with my 20/20 vision!

As for this new year, I am looking forward to achieve success at work place, going back to school and most importantly, maintain close family relationship with those I love dearly.

Wholeheartedly, I wish everybody Happy New Year. May you all work your way to your dreams.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


Generally, society is formed by three level of classes: upper, middle and working class. When they are arranged in the pyramid form, the upper class will be placed right on the top, following by the middle and lower class. Like what you all can see from the system rooted in our marginalized society-- the rich remains prominenetly high but minor;the group is normally those successful entrepreneurs, senior professionals, intellectuals and sharp businessmen. Middle class is formed by diligent young woking adults who graduated from college whereas lower class is the unfortunate ones who are less educated and need to work hard, especially physically to earn money for survival.

Being born in a theoretically unpleasant family, my parents were not educated properly. Thus, I grew up as a complete working class. I could never afford any of the luxury in life no matter how hard I try. However, it doesn't really bother me too much because it is impossible for people to get all the best things in life. I was granted with an insanely devoted mother who make sure I have better opportunities. That's way more than I could ever ask for. As such, I am always thankful.

After obtaining a college degree, there are some slight improvements in terms of my monetary status. Anyhow, I am still pretty much a lower class who cannot afford a lot of unnecessary daily expenses.The cruel fact bugs me once in a while but I never thought that it will be a big deal. Working hard and live moderately have always been my motto and I really like the idea.

I don't need:

1. A humongous house with balcany, backyard, garage dan fancy interior design, situated at a high-class' area.

2. Pure breed dogs and cats that require constant maintainence and huge amount of food.

3. Elegant glasswares or tablewares and pretentious etiquette for guests during ostentatious dinner.

4. Vacation house for getaway usage.

5. Advanced technology for household chores management.

6. Big and luxury cars.

7. Grand vacations to europe.

I prefer to:

1. Live in a small but warm cubby-hole with no pretentious decorations or setting; cut down the time and hustle in maintainence.

2. Handling the basic househodl chores myself.

3. Eat on a table with no fancy glasswares and rules with close friends and family members, mainly serving some unhealty food and homely meals that made by my own parents without having to follow any restrictions in behaving.

4. Not having to use stupid washer and dryer that ruin my cheap but nice-looking clothes.

5. Have ample of spaces for me to hang my hand-washed clothes and spaces to store my stuff according my own rules of organization.

6. Not having carpet and wood furnitures in the house or anything pretentious that will store grease and smell of cooking.

7. Have my own kitchen with the storage of numerous Chinese/Asian food that are 'poisonous' but easy to fix and delicious to consume.

8. Go on cheap but enjoyable budgeted holiday trips.

9. Just freaking be left alone and not being forced to act like an 'upper-class' because I am not fucking from the caste of 'Brahmin'. I was raised as 'Pariah', I squat down and do my business in the bathroom and I am happy to remain that way.

10. Be myself and don't give a fuck about what others think.

Ironically, I remember last time when I was a teacher in class, I discussed the social classes topic with my fellow students. The result of the discussion in that tutorial: peopel should only marry and interact 'among' their social class in order to have a permanent relationship".

As the leader of the discussion who elaborated on the mentioned topic, I failed to act upon my belief.

I am not born with a golden spoon in my mouth; it is pointless to feed me with one right now. Ugly duckling turns into elegant swan story only occurs in fairy tale.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I hailed from Planet C; you come from Planet A.

We decided to unite, residing at Planet A. But, that doesn't change the fact that I am from Planet C.

You want me to live in Planet A, think like people in Planet A, just like the way you do, refusing to even get to know Planet C. You think that everybody should live like you and you rolled your eyes seeing others living their life in a different way. You think that your way is the right way, others are just being ridiculous.

You are just hiding under a big well, seeing the world underneath the well.

You will have to take the responsibility;you are no longer a kid or a prince from your lala highclass land.

Grow up before you lose everything.