Thursday, May 21, 2009


好久都没有那种提起相机到处捕捉镜头的闲情逸致了。不知道为什么, 很长的一段时间, 即使身处异地、置身于人间美景, 我也可以不为所动; 处之泰然的放弃收集珍贵回忆的一切机会。

就在五月一日劳动节的那个周末,我竟意想不到的重拾了到处捕猎美景的兴趣。住在槟城的好友盛情邀请我到她家一同共度假期。我想了一想,与其在金宝独自一个人孤苦伶仃, 倒不如去探望一位多年不见的特别朋友。安排好了交通,我就兴奋的在劳动节前夕向槟城出发,开始了我的探友叙旧之旅程。










Sunday, May 17, 2009

Somewhere over the rainbow

No matter how time changes, he will always be the only one contestant, who is able to impress me that much. The thrill still rises from my heart after listening to his version of the song for more than 100 times.

It is plain beautiful.

I am touched.

Friday, May 15, 2009





我想起了小时候我们在花园里一起捉蚯蚓的时刻,还有你骑着脚车载我到处兜风的时候。我们一起嘻嘻大笑,在夕阳西下的时候一同回家。那一切都是真的,但这一刻的我却无法相信。 可能很多我们的回忆都是我在绝望痛苦中自己捏造出来的吧。



Saturday, May 09, 2009

My kiddoes

Remember those times when you and your classmates requesting to shoot a class photo with the lecturer or tutor at the end of the school semester?

I never thought that I will be the 'lead character' in a class, standing in the center;appearing as the focus of the whole picture.

So, a semester ended, in the twinkling of an eye.

Gosh! I couldn't believe it. Without any relevant experience, I stood in front of the students, teaching them about something that I wasn't so sure of. Surprisingly, I made it and most of the kids 'seemed' to be able to appreciate my guidance. (Well, on the surface, only God knows what they had been talking about behind my back, hehe, I was a student not too long ago, I know how they are!)

Anyways, it wasn't a bad semester, the journey yielded a harvest of wonderful memories. It was the greatest sense of satisfaction so far! :)

Monday, May 04, 2009

Mother's Day

Recently, my friends have been talking about celebration for this coming Mother's Day. As usual, I will be away from home during this special occasion; I won't be able to join the bandwagon in getting bird nest for mother or dine out with my whole family at a restaurant. Sheesh, what a shame! Anyways, like what Lampfly said,

"I think this kind of occasion is not really relevant. The utmost important thing is to be nice to your mother every single day, then only it's real."

I guess at the moment, I will need to believe that statement in order to ease my heart! However, her words made sense, I guess.

Being a mother is the toughest job in this whole universe, we have to be grateful and thankful toward the selfless person who brought us into this world and devoted herself entirely in raising us up. Talking about motherhood, suddenly I remember that I had some sort of similar experience in that area. I was a 'mother' of five!

Memory came sudden and swirled, once in a blue moon, the passed moments would pop out in your mind, reminding you about the days you thought you have forgotten. My previous counselor told me that aupair will just be one of the passers-by for those children, it is hard for them to remember anything about the aupair after a while; however, the kids will remain in the aupairs' heart forever owing to the care and real love provided by the caretaker.

When you are so used to 'give', that's the time for the real love to grow inside your heart.

Recapturing back those times, it could be really hard. Nonetheless, be it the goods or bads, fortunate or unfortunate, I am able to just laugh about it right now as I got to know more about life through the role of a 'mother'.

That kind of precious experience won't be able to repeat and seriously I don't want to have it repeated, too! It is just nice to have it once.

Anyways, Happy Mother's Day to all wonderful mothers in this world! :)