Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Haunting

I stay at the so-called dorm/hostel near the school I work with as it is fully furnished and easy for me to get to my office everyday. Even though I am surrounded by students and paying more than the market price over here, I still like it here as it is safe and convenient if you compare to other places.

After residing here for several months, I realize that something just does not seem to be right.

Please have a look at the picture below:

This is the building right behind my room. I took the picture from my room's window. The building is empty as none of the students occupy the rooms for some reasons. In fact, the building looks no different from mine; however I have witnessed some abnormal phenomenon for quite a few times.

The empty rooms, normally the left one on top and also the right one at the first floor would have their lights turned on at night for no reasons. It doesn't happen everyday but just once in a while, generally on weekend when everybody here have gone back to hometown for family time.

No, nobody is staying there and I do not think that the people from the management office or security guards would go there in the middle of the night to just 'enlighten' the rooms.

It was a Saturday late night when I fist discovering that, I was curious at first, wanting to find out if anybody had moved in but obviously, there was no sign of new tenants since the windows were still locked. It was spooky. I pulled the curtains and continue marking the paper while the heart was pumping fast.

Then, my mind ran wild. I started imagining about 'something else' that might be staying there then.

As expected, I had a sleepless night. Though luckily, so far nothing scary took place (*touch wood/*knock on the wood).

Generally, the lights would go off 'automatically' before morning. I braced up myself to make a 'close' observation' through the window two weeks ago. The lights went on from 11 something at night.I turned in around 3am, the lights were still on. There was no noise, no shadow, nothing, just pure silence with lights.

Sometimes, I think I am superstitious and overly imaginative. I should not think too much and I have never killed or inflicted death on anybody. There should be nothing I shall worry about.

Many unexplained complications hail from the heart.

Friday, April 24, 2009


今早悠闲的准备上班时, 一位失去联络了五六年的朋友竟奇迹般的捎来了一些亲切的问候语。我有些惊讶; 受宠若惊之感不禁油然而生。

在短短的几分钟客套话之后,一段断了线的友谊在瞬间得到了重生的机会。我们聊着彼此的近况, 不约而同的为对方的生活感到高兴。谈话间也不可避免的触及了昔日的同伴们, 因而获知了不少令人意外的消息。时间过得好快,岁月真的不饶人。大家在毕业各分东西失去联络后的变动真的很大。不过,值得庆幸的是多数的人都还过得不错;唯独当日年少轻狂的赤子之心已荡然无存。但是,一同拥有的疯狂回忆总有些会记录在泛黄青春期的某处吧?很多时候我们只需要花些心思打开记忆的按钮,抛在脑后的往事就会一幕幕浮现。

这位‘奇迹朋友’我至七岁那年便认识了。我们入读同一间小学之后升上同一间中学,都被分配在同一班。高中毕业之后也选读同一间大学﹑更住在宿舍里的同一层楼。认识了这么多年,和她感情最好的时候却是在初中。 那时傻傻的她会很早到学校,呆呆的我就会特地早去上学,然后和她坐在食堂里天南地北的乱谈一番;她也会特意从学校顶着大太阳步行到我家,让我帮她胡乱设计发型。当时的我们拼了老命的要耍酷而滥用发胶和吹风筒。不过,说真的,有时候效果是不错啦!

当时的我们还热衷于创意设计鞋带,我们会利用课余或上课的时间交换心得,分享我们看到或意外研发的‘最酷’鞋带绑法。我们也会和另一些同样轻狂的友人一起讲别人的闲话﹑像傻婆一样的乱笑﹑气哭老师﹑逃课﹑挑嬉书呆子男生及参与很多‘阿莲’少女会做的事情。不过,我们可不是什么都不会的‘飞女’叻!我们这群人可都是精英班数一数二的人才哟!叛逆的心应该每一个少年人们都有吧。更何况我们并没有杀人放火, 成绩还是好好的,老师们才拿我们没法子嘞!



记忆中,我们从来都没有什么冲突。小小的不悦与争执自然难免但若要到积恨而远离彼此的地步绝对没有。仔细的想了想,彼此的隔阂是从大学开始,那个时候大家都有了新朋友, 开始了不同的生活圈子。距离因此而来。大家应该都在猜忌,觉得人人都变,变得不在乎旧朋友了,不再需要对方了。就这样,把手一放, 珍贵的友情掉了。


朋友告诉我她和往日的同伴那天还驱车去我中学时代住的旧家,想要找我叙旧, 不过找不着因为我早在几年前搬了。我听了真的吓了一跳,我真的重没想过在经过重重误会﹑重伤和多年后的今天还有人会记得我。内心难免有些感动。





Saturday, April 04, 2009


这个夜晚有点痛。若你问我有多痛? 我无法去衡量。只知道自己呆呆的坐在地上, 傻了似的看着湿湿的瓷砖。




“每个女人的鞋柜里总有一双不合脚的鞋。这双鞋往往非常美观但是在逼自己穿上时却非常不舒服﹑脚趾和脚更总被磨破而疼痛不已。 但是,女人却绝对不舍将它丢弃,天真的相信在多穿几次就会合脚,结果双脚白白受罪了好长的一段时间。最终,固执的女人还是会把鞋子留下,因为深信并等待着那虚幻的‘总有一天’。”


没人比我更了解我自己。我只要把悲伤流露出来,睡个好觉, 明天依然是美好的。